© Ola Krzanowska

Jan Wilkanowski

Jan Wilkanowski – a teacher, ecology
activist and tourist guide. He comes from
Łódź, but his entire life has been linked to
the Baltic Sea. Since 1998 he has lived in
the village of Stegna on the Vistula Spit.
He teaches physical education and recently
also biology. This contributed to him
becoming a volunteer in the international
ecological organisation World Wildlife
Fund and the Blue Patrol which functions
under its auspices and protects natural
habitats of sea mammals and birds. Jan
Wilkanowski still volunteers for them.
In his private life he’s a husband and
a dad – natural and foster – of two (now)
adult sons. He loves physical activity in
all forms: he runs (he’s completed six
marathons!), rides a bike, paddles a kayak,
sails, hikes (the Bieszczady mountains
are his second favourite place on Earth!).
he’s also interested in photography,
birdwatching, music, architecture and
history. He is the author of the book
Blue Tales (2021), in which he describes his
voluntary work in the Blue Patrol. He was
a finalist in the 2018 Best Teacher in
Pomerania competition.

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